Alicia Farricielli Interview How Can Inner Child Healing Transform Your Life?
Discover how Alicia Farricielli transformed her life through inner child healing and now helps others as a transformational coach. Learn about the power of meditation, self-worth, and overcoming limiting beliefs. #InnerChildHealing #SelfWorth #Supernormalized #podcast
January 15, 2025

Alicia Farricielli Interview How Can Inner Child Healing Transform Your Life?

Discover how Alicia Farricielli transformed her life through inner child healing and now helps others as a transformational coach. Learn about the power of meditation, self-worth, and overcoming limiting beliefs. #InnerChildHealing #SelfWorth #Supernormalized #podcast
Alicia Farricielli Interview How Can Inner Child Healing Transform Your Life?
Supernormalized Podcast
Alicia Farricielli Interview How Can Inner Child Healing Transform Your Life?

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Alicia Farricielli Interview How Can Inner Child Healing Transform Your Life?
Supernormalized Podcast
Alicia Farricielli Interview How Can Inner Child Healing Transform Your Life?

Alicia Farricielli’s journey from a challenging childhood to becoming a transformational coach is a powerful testament to the impact of inner child healing. Growing up in a highly religious and fear-based environment, Alicia struggled with anxiety, low self-worth, and a constant need to prove herself. Her path to healing began when she reached a breaking point and decided to make a change.

Through extensive self-development work, including energy healing, meditation, and inner child work, Alicia discovered the root causes of her struggles. She realized that her self-worth was tied to external factors like material possessions and career success, rather than her inherent value as a person. By connecting with and healing her inner child, Alicia was able to release old wounds and limiting beliefs, leading to profound personal and professional growth.

Alicia’s approach to coaching integrates emotional healing with practical business strategies. She emphasizes the importance of addressing all aspects of life – personal relationships, health, spirituality, and career – to achieve true transformation. Her work helps clients overcome victim mentalities and discover their innate worthiness.

Key takeaways from Alicia’s journey include the power of daily meditation, the importance of connecting with one’s inner child, and the need to detach self-worth from external factors. She encourages those beginning their healing journey to take small, consistent steps and to persist even when it’s challenging.

Alicia’s story serves as an inspiration for anyone seeking to overcome past traumas and limiting beliefs to create a more fulfilling life and career.


CeeJay: Welcome to Super Normalized, Alicia Farricielli. Alicia, you are a transformational coach and you’ve had a journey which actually stemmed from a challenging childhood. Do you want to tell us all about that and actually how did those experiences shape your understanding of your self worth and welcome to the show.

Alicia: Thank you. I’m so excited to be here. Yeah. Super, super excited to share this afternoon and tell our listeners all about my journey and how the that I help people. So yeah, so I like to take people back to my childhood being, I was born into a super religious, super conservative, very Hellfire Daymation fear-based mentality is what I was born into from my mother’s womb on end. So that with that brought the challenges of being a super like a timid, I was very timid, shy, really kind of scared, high anxiety child all the time. I never felt like I quite fit into different areas, different things in my life. But I was always so afraid of every single thing.

Alicia: And so that kind of drove drove into, you know, teenage years of doing some rebellion, doing some things that, you know, our parents brought a lot of shame to up on my my parents, like my very a lot of things I did brought shame into my family. And the guilt and shame stayed with me for a long, long, long, long time. And so getting into my early twenties, I was married, had two children, very, very, very young, and then divorced before the age of 30, and then took more shame and guilt from my parents coming back in over that because of their religious background. And so as I was trying, know, struggling with a single momhood, starting businesses and working in corporate jobs on and off throughout the time, I was really just struggling. I was, mean, I had, like no self-worth. I say self-esteem is that self-esteem was kind of up and down, but I had no self-worth. I didn’t have any, I had passions, but I didn’t think I had confidence to be able to do anything. And so I would start businesses and I would burn myself out, even if they were successful. So it got to the point I was probably around 35, 36 years old. And I, about 10 years ago, and I decided that I couldn’t take anymore.

Alicia: I like, I’m done. Like I’m either. This is the end of like ending my life or else something’s going to have to change. So I literally sat out, per up to the universe. I was like, okay, I can’t do this anymore. And I’d still had that fundamental Christian, not this quite fear-based mindset, but just had a lot of the fear still put inside of me at this time. But things started to just flip around. I started to see new things come into my life, new perspectives as I was, you know, kind of dealing through this. I started really the healing process, I would say really started then. Started getting into a lot of reading, a lot of self-development, starting into podcasts, all kinds of different things, courses I can get my hands on. And so as I was going through this time, I, at the end of say about several years ago, I decided that I wanted to do business coaching and lead the real estate, my real estate career, or put it on hold a little bit. So as I was doing that, I wanted to go into business coaching. And I had this mindset belief that, know what, I want to do this, but I haven’t had multi-million dollar businesses.

Alicia: And I was like, that’s such, you know, just BS Alicia, because you know what. You know how to do all these things. That’s just a limiting belief and you’re going to walk your clients through it. So I started getting clients, talking to clients and they were like, well, they had, I don’t think, you know, what’s your thing. Do think you can be able to do this. I don’t really know. I don’t think I have what it takes. It’s like, wow. Okay. We got to stop and go back and do some mindset work. So about that time was like, I should probably do some more mindset work myself. So hired my own coach, worked with her in 90 days. She actually introduced me to energy work, breath work, meditation, all the modalities that within 90 days started to release and break up these energetic things inside of my body. And I started to be able to really start to fully or start to more deeply heal. And so as I was healing and I was, you know, working my clients, working with them to started adding on energy work, got Reiki master did all kinds of all different energy modalities trained in those.

Alicia: So as I was going through that changing the breath work and meditation, I was like, there’s still something that’s missing inside of me. I feel like there’s a missing piece here. And it’s funny how the universe works. It’s like, okay, Alicia, here’s inner child healing. And so inner child healings steps in. And so I was like, what is this. I’d heard the term, you know, based in college when I was taking, you know, psychology classes, I had heard the term, you know, reading books and doing some self-development, but I didn’t really understand it. So I started diving deep into it, doing a lot of journaling, meditation, a lot of energy healing around that for myself and a lot of calling in divine guides and spirits. And so as I was doing that and some shadow work alongside, I realized it was little Alicia inside of me that was broken, that didn’t feel safe, didn’t feel loved, didn’t feel unconditionally loved. And I needed to give that to her. So I started working with her and started to give those modalities to her, started to show her kindness, started to listen to her because she was never listened to before. Her feelings were never validated.

Alicia: So I started validating her feelings, started accepting those feelings and starting letting her know that I’m now her new parent, that she can forget whatever she had before going on, that I’m now gonna parent her. So when I started to do that, I started to see creativity thrive. I started to see how business thrive. I started to see all areas of my relationships, every single thing started to thrive. I started to see people differently. I started to able to interact with people differently. All because I started to tie that modality, started to tie that little Alicia, started to heal her, that my life started thriving. Now, is it every little piece of the puzzle still in there. I mean, that’s part of life. I’m going throughout life. It’s going to continue on and on and there’s more healing until the day that I end with this journey of this current life. So yeah, that’s my story of how I got to what I’m doing now.

CeeJay: Well, that’s a neat summary and synopsis of what happens. Yeah. So I’m just rolling back there. Did it feel like you’re under a lot of pressure during all that time?

Alicia: Absolutely. I feel like I’ve been under pressure since the day I was born. Right. Yeah.

CeeJay: So how did you actually deal with that pressure, what were you doing as a child, for example?

Alicia: Yeah. I mean, I was just scared and anxious. My dad was a preacher, so I had the pressures of a preacher’s, you had the perfection. Not only perfection, but the perfection within the certain religious situation that they were in, that we had to be perfect or else there was huge consequences to pay. So that was a lot of my anxiety and just the nerve that was happening throughout my childhood was derived to that. I mean, don’t, how I coped was just, I don’t know, shying away, getting, deepening down and just becoming this little shy timid child that stayed inside of me the entire time. When I got into my adolescence years, about 14 or 15, I just started rebelling. I started doing whatever I decided I wanted to do because I can’t earn the appreciation or the love for my parents that I wasn’t feeling. I’m talking unconditional love. And I didn’t fit into anyone else. I found the people I fit in with. And so I started to dabble in just things that probably were, I would say, almost normal teenage stuff, drinking, light drugs, type of thing.

Alicia: And so I got to dabble into that, that sort of thing. And it took me on a really rollercoaster path in my life. It put a lot, brought a lot of like a lot of guilt and shame, which piled on top of whatever guilt and shame I’d had just for being born into this family and through, you know, childhood, I don’t say it’s bully situations, but just the way kids treat other people, you know, having, I didn’t know how to socialize those skills. I didn’t know how to interact with those skills and how to really stand up for myself because I always felt shy and timid. So as I got into adulthood, it just turned into this, I have to do everything. I’m not good enough. I have to keep going. I have to keep doing more and more more more and more. And it never ended until I made that decision. And I started to heal that process and realized that my self-worth is not tied into how much I’m doing or how much I’m accomplishing in life. It’s tied into just my inner being who I am already. We had that worth. So that was the biggest key thing for that.

CeeJay: Yeah. Yeah. Sounds like, part of the strategy was abandoning the inner child just to cope with it all.

Alicia: Yeah, I had to. I mean, it’s the reason why we had those coping skills. We have those fields is to keep us protected because at that age, we don’t, we don’t have the mental capacity and the emotional capacity to deal with adult things. And so we, we just do carnalize these things subconsciously into our brains and just kind of move on with the world.

CeeJay: Yeah. Yeah. It’s the only way to survive sometimes because the, yeah, all the pressure is so much and the drama is so much as well. It’s like, you don’t know how to place yourself in that and all why it’s happening. Often you’re like, I don’t know what’s going on.

Alicia: Yeah. As a child, you know, you’re like, I don’t know why these people are acting so crazy. Yeah. I don’t know why that they have to, yeah, I don’t understand why I’m, know, if I do this thing, it’s going to put me into this internal damnation of hell that I’m never going to be able to get out of. And it’s like, yeah. Just the fear. I didn’t understand why everybody was so fearful.

CeeJay: Yeah. I wonder why they pass on that fear game. You know, it’s like, what happened to them?

Alicia: Lots of, lots of inner child wounds.

CeeJay: Yeah. Yeah. Unfortunately. It’s generational thing for me.

Alicia: Yeah. Yeah. I was born.

CeeJay: Yeah. Well, it’s good that you’ve actually broken that generational curse by becoming more aware of yourself and starting to assist you in a child with the shadow work and bringing it all back together and integrating yourself, that’s fantastic. So what are the significant turning points in your journey towards healing after becoming a single mother?

Alicia: It was, I was so stressed out and I was doing everything and I had no physical energy. I had no mental energy. I was at the, and I think this was around the time I had an event. I started an event company and I started this event company because I couldn’t find a job in events and I wanted to work in events, but I didn’t have enough experience in events. So I was like, you know what. I’m just going to do it myself, which is always plenubium mentality, which is very positive. It got me a lot of ways. And sometimes it’s not so good because I’ve been kind of more self-sufficient.

Alicia: So as I was doing that and building this company and it grew very, very quickly and over a course of like the last two years I had it like just expanded very quickly to where I was working so many hours a week and making this very, my profit levels were so low, but the company was bringing in a lot of money, but it was just the profitability levels and having to chase like, wait for, I was literally forking out tens of thousands of dollars a month and then having to hope that it came back in time for me to be able to do the next $10,000 the next month for the ongoing clients I had. And so it was extremely stressful. And so once I hit that point, I was like, I’m done. Like, I cannot do any more of this. Like there’s something has to change, like something. And I still continue to run the company. And then I started, probably about a year later, I decided to start leveling it off, started letting some clients go that were not aligned up with the vision of whatever I was doing and then eventually worked myself out of it and worked myself back into a very lucrative real estate company. But I was still doing the same thing.

Alicia: I was still hustle, hustle, hustle, make it happen, hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle. And I’m not good enough unless I’m reaching these goals that I hit. Or I’m reaching these selling so many homes a year or keeping up with everything else. And so that was really the thing that I couldn’t do anymore. I was like, I can just at the end of it and I started It’s just kind of flipped that switch is like, a minute. I’m doing all this work and I’m hitting the goals that I want, but I’m not happy with them. I’m not satisfied. Why am I not satisfied. Because I’m looking to the next 90 days instead of celebrating what I’ve already accomplished. And I wasn’t doing it for me. I was doing it for everybody else. To make Alicia look good for everyone else. So everybody else will be proud of little Alicia. Little Alicia was suffering. This, hadn’t gotten into the inner child work and I hadn’t tied that into and I hadn’t healed a little Alicia. So little Alicia was still like, you still have to do more. You’re not good enough. We have to prove, prove more. We have to do more and more and more. And imagine when, you know, and you’re expensed on 80 hours a week work week.

Alicia: And then you’re, you have, know, I had a single, my daughter was in her teenage years at the, you know, single mom that time. I was like, I was physically mentally split. And so I had a couple of breakdowns, I can’t lie. Emotional breakdowns.

CeeJay: Naturally. I mean, it’s naturally to have it come out.

Alicia: So yeah, I mean, if I could go back and do what I know, the things that I know now, I don’t know of what, because it’s taught me how to be now.

CeeJay: So wild. That’s really tough. Yeah. Yeah. So how did you start to discover inner child healing? I know you did talk about like an overview of it before, but can you break down the process that you were led through that actually helped you to sort of formulate your own methods to work with people?

Alicia: Yeah. So I, when I did that, I did a lot of reading, listened to a lot of podcasts, but in between this, that time I had learned how to, intuitive, do intuitive meditation, calling in my guides and spirits to, to guide me. And so a little by little, I would say, what’s, what’s the key. What, what do I need to do. And so like, how do I connect.

Alicia: And I think I probably found an inner child meditation and that was probably my first thing that I did to connect to a little Alicia. And so once I hit that initial connection to her, I was like, this is it. So when I started talking to her and I had my guides and spirits to guide me through that process and to reveal the things that was keeping blocking. And I do like a layer deep questioning. I’m like, okay, so how am I feeling like this. Why do I feel this way. Okay, well explain this a little more. And where is this coming from. And just keep layering it down till I get to the actual root cause. And so I had lot of, not visions, but a lot of memories start to pop up on things that happened. And it was little things. It wasn’t anything like majorly traumatic, little things like, I’ll an example of my second grade teacher put my name on the board and I cried the entire day and I’d forgotten about this. But I went home crying to my parents and mom because I was thinking I was gonna get in trouble. But it was more the fear that I did something wrong. I don’t even remember.

Alicia: I think I was talking maybe I wasn’t supposed to like, but every other child in that entire room had their name on the board. So it wasn’t that big of a deal. It like I got Suspended or just you know, major just what is their name on the board. And so that was brought up to me through through meditating and connecting with my inner child was like, well this now what that’s why I’m so afraid to Get in trouble to do something bad. That’s where a lot of perfectionism comes from it’s from this little wound So I go go back into that talk to that wound like is this wound was it true then. No, I wasn’t really in trouble. It was just a warning Did it ruin my entire life now. No, it did not. And so now it’s like

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