Rescued By Fairies With Julian Palmer
Julian Palmer is a writer, film maker, documentarian, consciousness explorer and a healer. He’s been a huge part of the plant medicine consciousness push into normalized reality since the year 2000. Long ago I was on one of his email lists and he posted up an experience that was mind blowing to consider and in this episode Julian recounts all that happened leading up to that experience and the full featured long form of what happened with him that night when he was rescued by Fairies. Essentially he wasn’t in any danger however they led him on a long path back out of the deep forest whilst showing him all aspects of themselves.
March 15, 2023

Julian Palmer Interview Rescued By Fairies S2e11

Julian Palmer is a writer, film maker, documentarian, consciousness explorer and a healer. He’s been a huge part of the plant medicine consciousness push into normalized reality since the year 2000. Long ago I was on one of his email lists and he posted up an experience that was mind blowing to consider and in this episode Julian recounts all that happened leading up to that experience and the full featured long form of what happened with him that night when he was rescued by Fairies. Essentially he wasn’t in any danger however they led him on a long path back out of the deep forest whilst showing him all aspects of themselves.
Supernormalized Podcast
Supernormalized Podcast
Julian Palmer Interview Rescued By Fairies S2e11

Show Notes

Supernormalized Podcast
Supernormalized Podcast
Julian Palmer Interview Rescued By Fairies S2e11

Julian Palmer is a writer, film maker, documentarian, consciousness explorer and a healer.

He’s been a huge part of the plant medicine consciousness push into normalized reality since the year 2000.

Long ago I was on one of his email lists and he posted up an experience that was mind blowing to consider and in this episode Julian recounts all that happened leading up to that experience and the full featured long form of what happened with him that night when he was rescued by Fairies.

Essentially he wasn’t in any danger however they led him on a long path back out of the deep forest whilst showing him all aspects of themselves.

His contact was long, multi-faceted and even featured Unicorns briefly.

Listen to the podcast below.

In this episode I mentioned the Modern Fairy Sightings Podcast by Jo Hickey-Hall. Here is a link to her main site and all her work including her podcast.

Learn more about Julian on his main website

Sign up to his workshops here

Watch his recently released and multi awarded documentary here

Here below is Julian’s account of the experience I read all those years ago verbatim.

A True Tale Of Fairies

Julian Palmer : A True Tale of Fairies : November 2001

Instead of a long piece of writing, or some kind of existential statement/poem, I have really quite an interesting story to share for everyone, about my meeting with a whole group of Fairies, which I feel to communicate.

On Tuesday 2pm, I began my walk up the ridge from a friends house at Upper Wilson’s creek, hoping to find a stand of Acacia Obstusifolia that generally are only found high up on granite rocky outcrops.

At about 5pm, I was still walking, away from Wilson’s Creek toward Mt Jerusalem, the conditions seemed good, but no Obstusifolia! I could see what looked to be Main Arm and many houses down the valley, and I realised it would be quicker if I could reach them, rather than backtrack. However, my assumption was based on a view I had about an hour before! But I was feeling devil may care, and I’m pretty good at navigating through rainforest.

Yet, by the time it was dark, I realised I wasn’t going to get to Main Arm in time! And actually, I really didn’t know where I was! I realised the only thing to do was to keep walking. I was wearing only a thin cotton shirt and although it was cold, I was warm and sweating all the time, from clambering up and down the mostly dry creek bed. Soon I couldn’t see a thing, but when I stopped, I began shivering and knew I would be highly uncomfortable staying in one spot, with only a towel and no torch.

I actually began to think my life was in danger at this point, as I could easily break my leg and there was no way I would have been able to continue at any time. However, I only fell down once, a little waterfall, and very carefully continued, feeling my way, mostly closing my eyes and going faster than one would think was possible.

At about what I thought was midnight, I clambered up a steep ridge to the right of the riverbed, and at the top there was a massive, thick tree, lit as if by lights. I felt I had arrived in some kind of hidden, magical wonderland. There were lights all around me, not the type of the little bugs that glow on and off, but a consistent phosphorescent glow. Initially, I thought I may be delirious and was hallucinating fairies, over the glow of those little bugs. But soon it became apparent these glows were moving, were quite large and exactly in the shape of fairies!

I had never seen fairies before, not directly, I had seen cyber-Fairies in another dimensional space, very high tech and funky little creatures who work with forms of technology in their play. I’d often communicated with flower spirits, or devas, when making flower essences, but never directly seen any nature spirits, more like you’d sense their presence or see flows of energy and that kind of thing.

I didn’t “take anything” obviously, I would suppose that would be my last impulse, walking alone and lost through the forest at night. What I felt had happened, was my eyes, after four hours of almost complete dark, had become so sensitive that I my vision beyond our perceptible range had widened. And the constant walking and attention that was required of me to negotiate obstacles had put me in a state of inner peace and stillness.

I quickly saw these holographic fairies fly about and around me, up to about 10 metres away, and after a few sweeps by, when I could see them clearly, I realised I couldn’t be hallucinating them, they appeared very real to me. They looked surprising like the images and ideas we have of fairies. For the next 3 or 4 hours, there were mostly five or ten fairies around me, communicating, or sometimes only one or two. I could usually see another 5 or 10 around the area.

And they lit up whole areas with this white phospherescent clear glow. It quickly became apparent they could shape shift, yet they would usually shift back to their fairy outfits and wings and smallish size. They each wore different clothes, traditional looking garments that had been kind of updated, very stylish and beautiful. The female fairies were especially touched when I complemented them on their clothes and showed me in detail what they were wearing.

The males one’s appeared to be more into shapeshifting than females and they could often shape shift into sizes three times the height of a human being, casting a wide glow around the area. Sometimes, in that case, I could see colors in their clothes and faces. The closer they came, the more I could see the energy bodies which would often “flange” and generate energy.

For the next three or four hours they were with me as I walked, I often stopped and just watched and talked to them. They would shape shift into how they saw human beings, and very wittily enact the folly and humour of our interactions very cleverly, individually and collectively! They even enacted how they perceived our sexuality! All in such a way that you would be able to conceive a human being doing, with very unique and pure perceptions!

It was clear, that they watched human beings very carefully, and even had adopted a lot of our forms and shapes into their play. That’s most of what they did! They just played. They were incredible actors and would take great delight in mimicking ANYTHING, and then slowly turn the idea around, like a musical composition, the other fairies would often just watch in complete stillness and see the way one idea was trangressed and played with. This seemed to fascinate them.

For me, some of their antics were a bit slow, as their covered every single interesting exploration when taking on a form, turning it back and front and around. I often looked away, and looked back a minute or two later, and they were still playing the same sequence.

It turned out they could understand English well, and my thoughts. The first thing I said was, “Can you transport yourself from one place to another instantaneously?”. A male fairy in front of me, did this, but actually flew so fast between one place and another, you would see a flash of wing energy, and then he would be at the next location.

Their wings did flutter about, yet I never heard any sound coming from them, and they generally moved like the progression of thoughts and ideas, very uniquely, and with a lot of grace. I asked them what they wanted to know about human beings, and they said they were interested in swimming and dancing! One of them shapeshifted into a woman dancing obviously really not in time with the music or with any grace at all, an exaggeration of mental forms of dance. I said I’d sing them some songs. I asked them if they went out and heard music…and they said, “not really”.

So I sang them two songs, one of them went, “Take me, my body aches to be, set free from pressing thumbs into closed eyes, take three, seventh heaven quakes to see, the glorious scenes behind her closed eyes divine. Behind, our forgotten face, the summer bays, I try to swallow the bea alone, that stuff adds up, you know its time reality shows. Time to penetrate the blind eye, here’s to all who go there! Never stop living to attempt the impossible!”

Two of the male fairies attempt to dance to dance to this somewhat jilted rhythm, like jack in the box go-go dancer, and the others are kind of mildly amused and bewildered by the songs I’m singing.

I talked to them about human beings, about myself and my life, how I live among the humans. I told them why I was here and how I got to be here. They didn’t know about DMT, so I told them it’s from tree bark and it’s something they should know about because it came from the trees in their areas, and told them a little bit about it. That it could be smoked in a glass pipe. “Like cigarette’s?” “No, that’s something different. Cigarettes don’t usually do much.”

They seemed moderately interested, but not overly so, you got a feeling of polite impatience, like “we’re not having as much fun as we could have now!” Sometimes, it was as if, when speaking to them, they’re get kind of fearful, like, “that’s not a fun thing!” or “that’s none of our business!”, but also this sense of guilt, like maybe it SHOULD be a fun thing, or it should be their business. They didn’t appear to have any agenda or plan with their interactions with humans. They seem to be of the tack of, well, if they want to communicate with us, we can see what can happen…

Most of the time they just don’t stop moving…they’d seem to do some kind of work with the trees and nature, but I could never see exactly what that was. I saw one male with a very bright light like torch he would shine around and fly over different areas, as if to inspect it. I once saw about five unicorns being shepherded from within a big tree, but I didn’t see where they went or what they did exactly.

Two females came right in front of me once and began to throw sparkly energy from their wands at each other! Like they were having some kind of competition to see who could get the other with the most and best kind of sparkles, which I could clearly see moving between them.

They didn’t seem to overtly laugh, there was humour and paradox in everything, so the more aware they become of that, the more fun it was to them!

I was surprised how they thought humans were kind of endearing, there was no sense of any judgment in any of their plays, and I was surprised how willing they were to communicate with me. Though when I asked them to come closer, none of them came within more than 5 metres of me at any time.

They seemed to like me, and often shapeshifted into me and made a parody of me, while the other fairies caricatured how they would respond to me!

I asked them where to go, and they guided me through gullies and over ridges.

They said goodbye, by placing a large phosphorescent figure of 8 on the side of a ridge. This was apparently their reply to me waving my cigarette in a figure of eight at them before. Which surprised them I think. I told them it should be on its side, but it stayed the same.

The last one I saw was about twice the size of a human, and was sitting down writing or doing something similar at a desk in the side of a tree. She just smiled at me a few times gently and continued to do her work.

At about 4.30, it became light and I couldn’t see them anymore. I was in a place that I would assume was Nimbin rocks, because there were huge rock monoliths everywhere, often I could see caves and archways in the side. But I could never really get close to any of them, because the lantana and wait-a-while were everywhere. The wait-a-while is a very painful vine with long stinging barbed sections that would latch onto your clothes and skin easily, and a lot of the time, I was extracting myself from them!

I kept walking, over ridges, down valleys, not as tired as I thought I would be, considering I had hardly stopped and hadn’t slept or had any food. Finally, I ended up at the side of Hells Hole(!), where the rock pools are! This is where many aboriginals were marched off the end by white people in the 19th century.

I was very relieved! I had a swim in the rock pool and walked the few kilometers to the Main Arm rd. After 10 minutes, the first car came by, a man picked me up and I realised he was an Osteopath I had heard some things about, but had never met. It was then 12pm, and I had been walking almost continuously for 22 hours. He took me all the way into Byron and I ate and slept, feeling the sparkles.

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